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Heathwood QLD 4110


Terms & Conditions

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Booking Terms & Conditions
These Terms and Conditions apply to all bookings and may be updated at any time. The client must be aware of the following Terms and Conditions upon booking Le Rouge Beauty. It is the client’s responsibility to understand and agree to all booking terms & conditions.

1. Booking confirmation

a) Bookings are subject to availability and Le Rouge Beauty be contacted by the client to confirm her availability prior to booking services.

b) For wedding bookings the client will be required to pay a $400 non-refundable deposit of the total invoice. This booking fee is required to secure the wedding date and is deducted from the total services quoted. This does not include any trials or additional services prior to the wedding booking.

c) Payment of the non-refundable booking deposit, or full upfront payment for services, will be deemed as the client’s acceptance of the terms and conditions.                                             

2. Trials                    

Clients who have booked trials are required to pay the full amount for the trial either by bank transfer or via the square app on the day of the service. 24-hours notice must be given by the client to Le Rouge Beauty to cancel or reschedule a trial appointment. Cancelled or missed appointments without prior notice will result in the client being charged for the full cost of the trial booking. This will be added to the final wedding invoice.                             

3. Payment

a) Payments are to be paid in cash or by direct debit (bank transfer) only. Payments given on the day of the booking are to be paid in cash only. Full upfront payment for the services requested may be paid no later than 7 days prior to the booking date upon invoice by Le Rouge Beauty. Any outstanding balances are due on the booking date (cash only).

b) A $400 non-refundable booking fee of the total wedding invoice is to be paid by the client upon booking to secure the booking date. The remaining balance must be paid 7 days prior to the booking date, including additional expenses not known to the client or Le Rouge Beauty at the time of the quote (e.g. - parking, tolls) or any other requirements for the provision of services on the booking date (e.g.- tattoo, bruise, vein or sunburn coverage for the skin).

c) The client booking the appointment will be responsible for overseeing the full payment of all services.

d) Persons included in the booking are guaranteed services and if time allows, additional persons can be added at Le Rouge Beauty’s discretion, either on or before the booking date and for additional fees. Additional services added on the booking date are to be paid in the form of cash, pay ID, square app or bank transfer.                                          

4. Cancellation policy

a) The booking fee is non-refundable if the wedding booking is cancelled due to change of mind/Covid-19/unforeseen circumstances, or for circumstances beyond the clients control (e.g. - natural disaster, death, personal matters etc). A minimum of 1 months notice is required to reschedule the booking to a new date within the same year of the original wedding booking. It is up to the discretion of Le Rouge Beauty to allow a new appointment booking upon availability. This is done on a case by case basis. Should the client wish to reschedule, the non-refundable booking fee can not be transferred or refunded.
b) In the event that the client’s booking is cancelled by Le Rouge Beauty due to unforeseen circumstances, or for circumstances beyond her control (e.g. - natural disaster, death, personal matters etc), where Le Rouge Beauty is unable to arrange a suitable stand-in Artist, all amounts paid, other than for the trial, will be refunded to the client.         
c) Cancellation otherwise (e.g.- change of mind) for bookings must be given in writing from the client by email, and will only be confirmed upon receipt by Le Rouge Beauty. The following cancellation fees will apply to the client:      
• Clients forfeit 100% of the $400 deposit amount of the wedding invoice.                        

5. Refunds

Refunds will not be given by Le Rouge Beauty to the client for any completed services. If the client is in any way dissatisfied with the services, the client is responsible for notifying Le Rouge Beauty during the time of services on location. All discussions regarding refunds will be entered into on a case-by-case basis by Le Rouge Beauty. 

Refunds will not be given by Le Rouge Beauty to the client for any uncompleted services booked by the client if client is running behind schedule or for change of mind by client/s. 

6. Changes to bookings

a) Should the client require Le Rouge Beauty to make any changes to the booking time after they have paid the non-refundable booking fee, and Le Rouge Beauty is unable to fulfill this request due to another booking or commitment, the client will still be charged for any services that are unable to be completed. The client is responsible for checking the time and schedule of services agreed to upon the time of booking.

b) Persons included in the booking are guaranteed services on the booking date. If time allows on the booking date, and at the discretion of Le Rouge Beauty, additional persons requesting services may be added to the booking either on or before the booking date, at an additional charge. Any additional services that are given on the booking date are to be paid for in the form of cash only.                      

7. Schedule of services

a) Le Rouge Beauty must adhere to booking times and schedules to ensure that the client receives services of the highest standard. Therefore, the client must note that all booking times must be strictly adhered to. Should unforeseen circumstances arise with the client, the client is responsible of advising Le Rouge Beauty as soon as possible. Le Rouge Beauty is not responsible for any uncompleted services if the scheduled completion time is not met due to client delays.
b) Le Rouge Beauty will advise the client of the most suitable time schedule in order to complete the requested services to the highest standard. This will be discussed with the client upon the time of booking.              

8. Hygiene and Miscellaneous

a) The client understands that the services provided involve Le Rouge Beauty artists applying cosmetic products to the client’s face/hair/body. By accepting these terms and conditions, the client agrees to disclose all known medical or other conditions (e.g.- skin sensitivity, contagious skin conditions such as cold sores, allergies) for both themselves and any other persons included in the booking who are to receive services.

b) Should an allergic reaction occur, requiring medical attention or not, the client agrees that Le Rouge Beauty artists will not accept liability for any resulting injury or ailment of any kind to the client.

c) Should the client request Le Rouge Beauty artists to use their own cosmetic product/s during the service due to allergy, Le Rouge Beauty would be happy to do so, but without any changes being made to the price of the service requested.

d) Le Rouge Beauty artists, at their discretion, may refuse service to clients who are known to be contagiously ill (e.g. - influenza virus/Covid-19) and have failed to provide notice prior to the time of service.

e) By accepting these terms and conditions, the client also agrees that Le Rouge Beauty will not be liable for, and will be indemnified from, any and all claims, liabilities, costs, loss, and causes of action relating to personal injury or death arising directly or indirectly as a result of the client’s failure to disclose the above information.

f) Le Rouge Beauty may organise to work alongside a separate independent artist for larger bookings. Fees for any additional independent Artist/s organised by Le Rouge Beauty that may differ from the Le Rouge Beauty’s own fees will be disclosed to the client where applicable.

9. Travel, parking and toll fees

a) A travel fee may apply to the client depending on the distance required by Le Rouge Beauty to travel to the client’s chosen venue to provide the services. Mobile services departing from Heathwood location will be charged to the client at a minimum rate of $75 within Brisbane to compensate for time, vehicle use, and petrol. Any travel fees required will be included in the quote. This fee is charged to and from the clients wedding/location where getting ready.

b) Any CBD/street/hotel/venue parking fees that are incurred to Le Rouge Beauty as result of the location for the booking where free parking is not available, will be charged to the client on the booking date. Please note hotel parking must be booked and arranged prior for Le Rouge Beauty staff if the makeup and hair preparation is done at a hotel.

c) Any toll fees incurred to Le Rouge Beauty during travel may be charged to the client at the discretion of Le Rouge Beauty, according to the location and price of the toll on the booking day.

d) Parking and toll fees are either payable by the client on the booking day, or by invoice from Le Rouge Beauty to the client after the service booking is complete.                

10. Artist unable to attend  

a) It is Le Rouge Beauty’s obligation to provide the services requested to the client. However, this is subject to the unavailability of Le Rouge Beauty as a result of sickness, accidents, and other unforseen circumstances beyond the their control (e.g.- natural disaster, death).

b) Should your assigned Le Rouge Beauty artist become ill or unable to attend the client’s booking due to unforeseen circumstances, all attempts will be made to provide another Artist to the client, who will be fully briefed and capable of completing the requested services to a high standard. If Le Rouge Beauty is unable to find another Artist to fulfill the client’s booking, all payments made by the client will be refunded, excluding any trials.